Who the heck is Twitch Pixel Studios?

Jeff Saamanen
5 min readNov 11, 2021

Join our DISCORD (https://discord.gg/dbdQdzFzXb) for exclusive, pre-sale, sneak-peeks, behind the scenes, and meet our entire team!

Support by purchasing one of our NFTs when we launch on November 30th! Bookmark the Unicorn Dick: Investigations Campaign Page

Not Interested in NFTs? No problem, you can also support via Our Patreon!

Twitch Pixel Studios is an Indie Animation studio founded by Jeff Saamanen and Natalie Harvey. Creating new unique animated series with David Hayter, Myke Allen & Michael Murphree.

We are dedicated to a new type of animation studio that streams live with you, and using the Power of collectible NFT art, crowdfund our ideas by offering our art, designs, concepts, and other awesome behind the scenes and exclusive content based on our shows, to be collected by the fans!

We want to build a supportive and collaborative community of fans and artists! We want to show that it’s not just the voices behind the characters that matter, but all the people who work together to give them life!

Our team dedicates a portion of our work week to our expanded universe of animated shorts that fill out our world and lore, feature our NFT characters your fans collect. From this each of our team members can choose to sit as showrunner and learn production from script to screen on a bite sized manageable animated short!

Learn more about our NFTs and their Use-Cases in our Article “Finding use cases for NFTs as an indie animation studio.


We strive to create new and unique animated series, art, and comics to share with you all.

Not the same old stories told again and again, then re-booted, re-mixed, re-cycled, re-hashed, re-fried, and re-baked into oblivion.

Through our development and live streams we can create, share ,and build NFT collectibles for our fans to collect as rewards for crowdfunding our animated shows and growing our passionate community! Cementing our NFTs as direct pieces of our animation history.

Our Motto: Be Awesome, Be Motivational, Be Inspiring.
We want to build a safe haven for our viewers and artists alike to learn and explore the production process, create and tell new stories, and grow our ideas together!

A truly nurturing environment of creativity for all! With that we want to include our fans in growing our animated universe, so we created our EXPANDED UNIVERSE!

But animation isn’t cheap, and to learn how we tackle this read our article “The Cost of Animation & The Power of NFTs

And here is where Unicorn Dick: Investigations comes in.

A rough city, a gruff detective story, but like, unicorns, and candy and ****.

- The Expanded universe -

Through our expanded universe of animated shorts, our collectors NFTs will come to life, fully animated, voice and inserted into our world, to grow our lore, and backstory to the not so fair city of Unicornitopia.

This allows us to realistically integrate the fans, and have their NFTs as a real a thriving part of our world alongside our storyline. Citizens on the edge of a collapsing city, fighting to survive. Becoming a citizen gives our NFT collectors access to our NFT community live events where they get to help shape these shorts and grow our vibrant community of crazy citizens.

Learn more about our Expanded Universe and Live Storytime Events in our articles: “Our NFT fueled Animated Series and the Power of fan collaboration through Live Storytime Events” & “How we are building an Animated Universe Powered By NFTs & YOU!

- Our Past -

Natalie Harvey & Jeff Saamanen have been passionately creating art & animation for the last 20 years.
Since founding Twitch Pixel Studios, they have grown into a small and passionate indie team of artists, who are all working together to bring each other’s ideas to life!

We want a studio that creates WITH our supporters, through livestreams, NFTs, and a ton of behind the scenes content! We have spent the last 4 years dedicating our free time together as a team, building our characters, their turnarounds, rigs, scripts, shot lists, storyboard, animatics, backgrounds, trailer, NFTS and so much more!

We wanted to come tot he table with more than just and idea and some art, but a fully ready to produce pilot , just dying to hit the ground running!

We also think that the Future of NFTs can be bright, but we are aware of the scams and rug-pulls that are plaguing the marketplace.

Learn how we are doing NFTs RIGHT but offering more security for our buyers, and how we are holding ourselves accountable as creators, for your peace of mind, all in our article The Problem with the Wild West of NFTs. But we at Twitch Pixel Studios have hope.

- Our Future -

Every show we make is an idea by one of our creators. Each creator gets help from the rest of the team to focus on developing their idea. We all share this hot-seat role as showrunner on each of our concepts, and together with your help, we make them happen!

Each of our cartoons will have merch and NFTs, and opportunities to engage with us as we develop. These avenues in turn pay for the long hours and painstaking animation, passionately done to bring awesome cartoons to pilot!



Jeff Saamanen

We are an up & coming indie animation studio engaging WITH fans, and growing and animated universe together with NFTs and YOU!